Siyambalapitiya boasts of recording primary surplus Rs 53 bn up to May

State Minister of Finance Ranjith Siyambalapitiya said on Friday that the country had recorded a primary surplus of 53 billion rupees (about 168 million U.S. dollars) up to May 2023.
Speaking to journalists, in Colombo, he said it had been accomplished by increasing revenue and curtailing expenditure.Siyambalapitiya said revenues and grants had grown by 38.1 percent in the same period, compared to 2022.
Director of Fiscal Policy, Kapila Senanayake, told the media on Thursday that the total tax revenue, at the same time, was 1,029 billion rupees (about 3.3 billion dollars) and non-tax revenues amounted to 91 billion rupees (about 288 million dollars)