Author of ‘Prisoner #1056’ Roy Ratnavel faults SL for being deported by Singapore
Saturday, 5 August 2023 01:18 – – 99

Ratnavel, who was the Executive Vice-President at CI Financial and the Head of Distribution for CI Global Asset Management, has authored ‘Prisoner #1056’ based on his life story about his detention in Boosa prison in Sri Lanka, where he was tortured, and fled to Canada with only $ 50 at the age of 18 and becoming a top executive in Canada. The ‘Prisoner #1056 – How I survived war and found peace” has become a bestseller in Canada, recently, and Ratnavel is now touring the world to promote his book.
See FT article –
In a statement Ratnavel claimed “I was deported out of Singapore and the book launch was subsequently cancelled because Sri Lankan authorities have told Singapore that ‘Roy Ratnavel’ is a ‘threat’ to them.”
“Again, this proves that Sri Lanka’s ingrained anti-Tamil sentiments and whipped-up nationalist hysteria were very powerful cement for the most odious system, which has always made it easier for the leaders to con their citizenry and others. Because scared and enraged people can be easily manipulated. Singapore has been added to this list,” he alleged.
“If you know anything about me this has only ‘emboldened’ my quest to speak even louder. I never go down in a fight. I NEVER will. This incident proves to me one thing. Prisoner #1056 was spot on in exposing Sri Lanka as a terror state—and as the author of this book it is a badge of honour to be deported,” Ratnavel said.
“If I made someone or a government concerned about my book’s contents, then I sure have gained a huge step towards my purpose for writing it! Victor Hugo’s prolific words are very apt here, “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” It has been said that never let a crisis go to waste. This can only help with book sales. I will fully leverage this to amplify my book’s message. I’m more emboldened now than ever before!” Ratnavel added.