25 April 2023 08:55 pm - 0 - 2007 5 A A A Seven Senior DIGs including Lalith Pathinayake and Ajith Rohana who are competing for the post of Inspector General of Police (IGP) have been transferred with immediate effect due to service requirements by the Secretary to the Ministry of Public Security under the covering approval
25 April 2023 11:06 pm - 0 - 683 11 A A A WhatsApp users are no longer restricted to using their account on just a single phone. Today, the Meta-owned messaging service is announcing that its multi-device feature — which previously allowed you to access and send messages from additional Android tablets, browsers, or computers alongside
26 April 2023 06:53 am - 0 - 606 A A A Senior DIG Ajith Rohana who is among the seven SDIGs who were transferred, writes to National Police Commission Chairman Chandra Fernando requesting not to approve the malicious, unreasonable and unjustifiable transfers by Public Security Minister Tiran Alles. He alleged that the minister does all these
25 April 2023 01:15 am - 2 - 6943 46 A A A National, provincial and rural roads were to be rehabilitated under 100,000km road programme most of these contracts have been given to parties who are working hand-in-glove with politicians in their respective areas but not by selecting through a Tender process nor by considering
25 April 2023 01:40 pm - 14 - 12332 13 A A A Minister of Justice Wijeyadasa Rajapaksha dropping a bomb shell in Parliament regarding container ship MV X-Press Pearl and New Diamond today, revealed that a sum of US dollars 250 million has been credited to the bank account of one Chamara Gunasekera as a bribe
Wednesday, 26 April 2023 00:01 - - 46 Economic hard times or not, investments in education must continue, but some hard thinking must go into reprioritising and reallocation – Pic by Shehan Gunasekara After nearly 80 years we are in the same situation. Education is geared towards 8% who go on to universities while learning for
Wednesday, 26 April 2023 00:09 - - 32 “Say goodbye to the IMF once and for all as the IMF conditions enriches the rich and impoverishes the poor” (Imran Khan) “IMF is really designed to protect creditors, not debtors” (David Graeber – American economic anthropologist) “Argentina and Iraq have been decimated by the same process with
Wednesday, 26 April 2023 00:10 - - 1420 The circumstances of Fr. Karunaratnam’s killing demonstrates clearly that he was deliberately targeted. The LTTE then accused the LRRP. It was predictably denied. Very few believed this denial that the LRRP was not responsible mainly because of its lethal track record and reputation The nasty, brutish
Wednesday, 26 April 2023 00:12 - - 33 The Cabinet of Ministers on Monday at its meeting approved plans to obtain new financial and technical support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to aid the on-going recovery from the economic crisis. The Government said parallel to the comprehensive funding facility approved by the International Monetary Fund